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How to look after our leather.

To keep Vida Vida leather satchels, messenger bags or leather travel bags in top condition so it keeps that beautiful vintage character there are a few easy things you can do. 

Leather Odour

With naturally suntanned leather there is the possibility that your new bag will have a natural leather smell for the first week or two when you receive it. We love this smell, but if you find it a little overpowering then the more you use your new bag the quicker any odour will mellow. If you would like a couple of quick solutions then try these:

* Febreze Fabric Classic - this will neutralise any smell with just a couple of sprays to the inside the leather bag. Fabreze is available from most large supermarkets and you can read more about it here www.febreze.co.uk.

* Baking Powder - a dusting of baking powder inside the bag and left overnight will absorb any moisture and therefore minimise the smell. (This is quite messy though and may temporarily leave white powder marks inside your lovely leather satchel).

* Essential & Scented Oils - a few drops of your chosen scent (lemon, lavender or almond for example) on tissue paper, which you lightly rub over the outside and inside of the bag will have them smelling great in no time.

naturally suntanned leather

Treating a Wet Leather Bag

If your bag gets wet, make sure you dry it thoroughly in a warm, dry place, such as near a radiator (although not on the radiator as this can be too hot and may cause the leather to go stiff). It also helps if you stuff some balls of scrunched up newspaper inside the bag and the pockets so that it dries more quickly and in shape.

Restoring a Dry Leather Bag

If your leather satchel starts to become dry and rough to the touch (probably caused by frequently getting wet) then it is important to replace the natural oils that have been washed away. We give all our leather bags one coat of rapeseed oil, which helps waterproof them and keep the leather nourished and lustrous.

If you would like to keep your leather satchels nourished, if it appears dry then simply sponge the leather with vegetable, sunflower, baby or rapeseed oil until the whole of the leather satchel has a light coating. Then dry the leather satchel for 24 hours, somewhere warm and airy, such as an airing cupboard. During this process, the colour of the leather satchel will go several shades darker but this will lighten as the leather dries. This can be repeated whenever you think the leather is becoming dry or you want to give your leather satchel that extra bit of special care.

Recommended Leather Care Products

If the idea of putting oil on your favourite leather satchel seems slightly crazy then don’t panic. There are lots of other easy ways to keep it looking at its best - you can treat our leather satchels with almost any leather care products that are available. Here are some that we recommend:

recommended leathercare products

* Renapur Hi-Shine – this is an excellent leather care product that will give your leather satchel a natural high shine (like the name suggests) with very minimal buffing, it has a great smell too. Available at www.renapur.com.

* Carr & Day & Martin - Breacknell Turner Leather and Saddle Soap – this is great for conditioning the leather whilst dissolving any grime. Information is available at www.carrdaymartin.co.uk.

* Collonil Premium Lotion Neutral Leather Conditioning Cream - probably the best of the bunch but you pay a premium. Available at www.collonil.co.uk.

* Lincoln Lanolised Conditioning Soap - general all round leather conditioner and very good value at only £2-£4 per tub (depending on size). Available at www.amazon.co.uk

There are also several more bizarre techniques which apparently work such as rubbing bacon fat, beef dripping or avocado into the leather but although sounding quite delicious we don’t recommend you try these options.

Re-Waterproofing a Leather Bag

The oiling process that we have carried out during the manufacture of your leather bag offers good protection against the elements but if you do wish to further waterproof your leather bag then here are a couple of options:

Collonil leather gel - a really good way to keep your satchel watertight (Mulberry recommend it so it has to be a good option).
Nikwax waterproofing wax for leather – this is a great waterproofer for leather.

Repairing Scratches in the Leather

All our leather bags are tough and hardwearing and a scratch here and there can add to their vintage character but if a scratch doesn’t rub away with your finger then a dab of some sort of vegetable, sunflower, baby or rapeseed oil| on cotton wool will usually do the job.