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You Buy a Bag, We Give a Bag

We are really proud about our long term "Bag for a Bag" charity programme which we have been running in collaboration with United World Schools since 2017.

We've been looking for a charity to partner with for quite a few years now and we had decided it was going to be 2017's main focus. Having previously supported the global (and very fantastic) UNICEF we were looking for a smaller charity where we felt we could really help and make a difference.

Now it could be sheer luck, it could be fate or it could be that the stars had aligned just right as sometimes things just fall perfectly in place...

On a windy Devon beach, whilst Matt (Mr. Vida Vida) was embarking on a kitesurfing lesson, he crossed paths with a very interesting guy who was enthusiastically talking about the charity he worked for in Cambodia called United World Schools. He was explaining that they provide school bags to each child giving them an identity with their school as they have no formal uniform as well as obviously keeping their school books safe and sound. This was quite a large expense to the charity as there are 10,000 pupils and growing each year and the money saved on this could go towards building another school. Matt could feel that this may be the perfect partnership and it had just fallen into his lap! So within no time we have developed a great relationship with United World Schools as it seems like the perfect solution for Vida Vida to donate a school bag for every one of our bags sold on our website and so the idea of "Bag for a Bag" was born.

Bag For A Bag Charity Outside School

The charity is a great one - providing free primary education to out of school children in marginalised, conflict-affected and remote communities in South-East Asia. Since 2008 UWS have been building and supporting community schools in Cambodia and Myanmar and, most recently, in Nepal.

As of 2021 UWS have built a total of 286 schools, serving over 55,000 previously out of school children. With the support of new partners like us at Vida Vida, UWS will be able to continue to scale up their school development projects across South-East Asia (area includes Madagascar, Nepal, Myanmar & Cambodia).

United World Schools Bag For A Bag

So now for every bag (or product over £30) bought from Vida Vida we will be donating a school bag to a child who would not previously have had access to education. Every time you use your bag or accessory you can imagine the adventures the school bag is going on too!

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