Chanel "Satchel" - Really?
I am not huge on designer bags. I have nothing against them, I just feel like they are too expensive to enjoy. As a result I do not have many (except for the occasional impulse-buy at the sales!), I prefer to window shop (or late night web shop I think it should now be called).
It was during one of these online sessions that I came across a page talking about a ‘Chanel Satchel’. Given that I am satchel mad, I was intrigued. How were they going to renovate the old-school design to give it that modern, designer edge, but keep that retro look?
My anticipation grew as the picture was loading; would I be compelled to buy this bag?
[caption id="attachment_99" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Apparently this is a satchel - er, no, it's not![/caption]
But instead of delight at the picture I was now staring at, disappointment flooded me. Chanel had not designed a satchel. It was merely a tote with a flap to shut it. No outer pockets, no strong edges, not even a sturdy top handle; it was just a leather handbag (albeit one made by Chanel). I felt defeated, that is until I looked down at the price. It was a good thing I didn’t like it. It would have cost me $600.
For a mere £80 or so, perhaps one of these real classic satchels is a better bet. I really should send a definition of a satchel over to Chanel.
[caption id="attachment_104" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Now this is a real satchel![/caption]